Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • Charleston Snapshots

    SO.  Since I’ve been posting daily, I thought I’d dive into some unfinished drafts (I HAVE OVER 100!!) and either delete if it’s terrible, edit and post if it’s awesome, or post as-is if it’s good enough.  This is…

  • October Nineteen

    The month continues apace.  We had our first chilly weather over the weekend – and by chilly I mean 60 degrees, we really are the best place in the country to be at…

  • The Craigerator

    Craig has taken to beating people up and hurling objects across the room in anger.  His little toddler anger is the cutest thing.  We use 30 second timeouts to curb these outbursts, and…

  • Downtown

    So that Macklemore song, Downtown?  I like how spazzy it is, reminds me of some of the Beatles pieces where they put together a bunch of snippets of song that originally didn’t go…

  • I Lied To You

    I didn’t do the second post yesterday.  Baseball happened. I read on an internet comment somewhere about the Oregon community college slaughter that the reason we have these mass shootings in America is…