Categorizing Things is Overrated
Summer Weekend
A summer weekend: I wake at 6, lace up the shoes and go for a run. The summer heat and humidity is already so intense, my peppy run quickly devolves to a walk/jog.…
One Month – Except this took me a week to write, so – Five Weeks
Welp, we’ve been here a month. I’d say it flew by, but it’s more like I get this weird deja vu sense that we never left. This was inevitable, I suppose, given we…
Holiday Monday Meal Planning
It’s a long weekend at work already! Also, because IT is doing some things, we are locked out of our systems and literally cannot go to work. So it’s sort of a for…
Books and Podcasts
I just read Lawyerish’s latest book recommendation post, and my reaction is equal parts “I want to read them all” and “how on earth does she find time to read all of those?”…