Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • Boy Vignettes

    Liam was in a foul mood the other day, because he misbehaved at piano lessons and thus was grounded from screen time. I think self soothing is a good skill to learn, so…


    WHEREAS, Reluctant Grownup (hereinafter, “RG”) has recently turned 40 years old; and WHEREAS, the resulting infirmity in the body as RG enters her fifth decade is causing some deterioration in quality of life…

  • Nashville Shenanigans, Part Two

    When we left off last time, we were getting trounced in Quizzler by my sister.  The following day, we went to the Nashville Adventure Science Center.  I was getting pinged with emails and…

  • I Don’t Have Time for Titles

    Ooof, boy, things are very overwhelmingly busy at work right now.  I have had one single full day off since July 8, and during that day off I slept about five hours.  (AND…