Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • February 24

    Jack is my errand buddy. If I have to go to the grocery, to Target, drive across town to pick up Craig from baseball . . . whatever, wherever, he’ll come along. Sometimes…

  • Final THPR Prompt

    What’s the nicest compliment you ever received? Why was it so meaningful to you? The school I attended for the longest period of time (given my military brat nomad upbringing) was Hickman Elementary…

  • THPR Writing Prompts

    What is your superpower? I’ve been stewing on this one a few days and don’t have a very fun or interesting answer. I can carry lots of dishes, a holdover from the waitress…

  • Jan. 20

    Twyla, our little Teddy Roosevelt terrier, has a tan heart-shaped spot. The pointy bit tucks into her right hip crease, the rounded tops stretching over her right haunch toward the ridge of her…

  • THPR Challenges

    *THPR is The Happiness Project Revisited, and in January we have a week of prompts. Here are a few more. These are boring navel-gazing, fair warning: Are You Promotion Focused or Prevention Focused?…