Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • Babies, Skeletons, and Beaches

    I have had such fun these last four weeks, I just can’t even. First of all, my sister, her husband, and her baby came to visit. You may generally know that I have…

  • Forty One is In the Rearview

    Well, I’ve been forty one for a week! Although my birthday fell on Labor Day weekend (as per usual), which usually means Fun! Fun! Fun!, the whole long weekend was somewhat marred by…

  • Forty One is on the Horizon

    Well, folks, I shall be forty one in just a couple of days. I have likely mentioned here before that I like my birthday still, I guess I always will, but I sort…

  • End of Summer and Back to School!

    Welp, we survived the awkward and awful first couple of weeks of school. The boys all started at different times, mid-week and sometimes staggered half-days, and I had a terribly timed business trip…