Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • Blue Skies From Now On

    As I type, I’m listening to my old best bud from the roots rock band I used to play in, as he livestreams some songs he performs on his mandolin. He has a…

  • G & T minus G

    Thursday night a storm came through, and it brought some moderate temps. The cooler weather is welcome, and I am sitting on the couch in our family room by an open window, being…

  • Day Who Effing Knows

    This is a rant. This is lots of rants, actually. There are some ranty tangents. I just need to write these out, I need to know someone is reading them and feels me,…

  • Day Nineteen

    We have a fairly decent routine. Up, chores if needed, do some academic block, with breaks. Long lunch break – we eat first and then the Prof and I try to work an…

  • Joy and Grace

    I volunteered to write a devotional for church – we get one every day in Lent, written by some volunteer. You are assigned a day and a verse from the lectionary for that…