Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • January 12

    This morning, our church choir sang an original poem set to music written by one of our own, a voice major and music-therapist in training named Sarah Ruth Altman. Below is the poem…

  • January 11

    “A quest is more fun than a jaunt.” I took Craig and Jack to the art museum last Sunday afternoon. I joined and plan to go once a week – ideally by myself,…

  • January 10

    I have ten minutes before I have to take Craiggy boy to his baseball game. It was in the low 60s earlier today when I offered to take him, and it is now…

  • January 6

    A list of things that bring me joy (I hope to get up to 25 by year end)(see Gretchen Rubin for my inspiration): Took so many pictures of these Barbies, like an insane…

  • January 5

    It’s Twelfth Night – twelve drummers drumming joining the band and birds to tie up the season. Tomorrow night, which is also considered Twelfth Night if you start counting the 12 days of…