Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • H is for Hibernate

    A is for Awful. B is for Blech. C is for Cold. D is for Dismal. E is for . . . you get the point. It’s been sleeting all day, and I’ve…


    My brother was assaulted outside his girlfriend’s apartment a couple days ago. Apparently he came upon a burglary in progress and the five perpetrators beat him pretty badly. They stomped on his hand…

  • Grieving

    How tired I am of longing. Jack’s anxiety is spiraling a little. He needs a therapist, but he hates zoom. Same boy, same. I am feeling the need for CBT myself. But then…

  • January 9, 2021

    Anybody else getting NOTHING done in 2021 so far? My clients are surely like “where the heck is she and why isn’t she answering my emails” but I am very busy staring out…