Categorizing Things is Overrated
Saturday Morning Meal Planning
Spending the morning trying to get motivated. Things to do, but the couch is cushy and blanket is warm and the latest Louise Penny novel is so fun. The children are pawing through…
Sacrifice of Thanks
I will offer you the sacrifice of thanksgiving* and call upon the Name of the LORD. Psalm 116:15. This Psalm excerpt was included in my Divine Hours morning prayer today. The phrasing “sacrifice…
What punishments of God are not gifts? From my vantage point on the couch I can see the clouds moving swiftly outside – “scudding” I would say, if I were writing a novel.…
2021 Recap!
As is my wont, I shall check in on the resolutions I made at the end of 2020. TBH I sort of forgot that I even made any, given the circumstances, so whether…
Christmas Math
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat Please put a penny in the old man's hat If you haven't got a penny then a haypenny will do If you haven't got a…