Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • P.S. Numbers

    I now officially weigh more than I ever have in my life.  I’m very proud and relieved that this did not occur until the second trimester.  To give a frame of reference and…

  • A Notice of Mutiny

    Dear Gillian:   We, the undersigned, having congregated, met, gathered, mingled, converged, conversed, discussed, deliberated, declaimed, and made determinations, decisions, and deductions this Monday, the fifth of November, do hereby respectfully submit this…

  • Abandoned Less Than Halfway Through

    It happened today.  I’ve read in many pregnancy books about it, and I guess I knew it was coming. Scene: 8 a.m. (7a.m. due to the end of DST) In bed.  It’s cold…

  • This is kinda hard

    I normally avoid the ‘puter on weekends, since I am glued to it all week.  But the contest demands my daily attention, so here I am on a chilly fall Saturday trying to…

  • P.S. Failure

    I already failed NaBloPoMo (where you post every day of November, for NAtionalBLOgPOstingMOnth).  I forgot yesterday was the first day of November and wrote nothing.  Booo.  Well, I did post a Wonder Woman…