Categorizing Things is Overrated
P.S. Numbers
I now officially weigh more than I ever have in my life. I’m very proud and relieved that this did not occur until the second trimester. To give a frame of reference and…
A Notice of Mutiny
Dear Gillian: We, the undersigned, having congregated, met, gathered, mingled, converged, conversed, discussed, deliberated, declaimed, and made determinations, decisions, and deductions this Monday, the fifth of November, do hereby respectfully submit this…
Abandoned Less Than Halfway Through
It happened today. I’ve read in many pregnancy books about it, and I guess I knew it was coming. Scene: 8 a.m. (7a.m. due to the end of DST) In bed. It’s cold…
This is kinda hard
I normally avoid the ‘puter on weekends, since I am glued to it all week. But the contest demands my daily attention, so here I am on a chilly fall Saturday trying to…
P.S. Failure
I already failed NaBloPoMo (where you post every day of November, for NAtionalBLOgPOstingMOnth). I forgot yesterday was the first day of November and wrote nothing. Booo. Well, I did post a Wonder Woman…