Categorizing Things is Overrated
Quick Break in Vacation Recap
OK I know this vacation recap is dragging on and it has clearly been months since we returned. However I did take contemporaneous notes and I do want to recall our epic Western…
Leave ’em laughing when you go – Moab to Sedona
Had I this trip to do again, I would stay in Moab longer. There are paths and discoveries all along the Colorado river – I could have occupied our time for a week.…
Cookbook Series – Part Deux
Mastering the Art of French Cooking is the cookbook du le semaine. The cote de poc sauce neuette was quite indulgent, and quite easy. The signature on the front cover of the cookbook…
Cookbook Series!
First: a visual representation of why I barely get to write here anymore: Every time I sit down to write – or, well, do anything – my little friend sprawls his limbs across…
Sunday Morning Meal Planning
I am a hibernating bear, ensconced in blankets on the couch from now til spring. This is an impulse I always have this time of year, and Omicron has exacerbated my worst tendencies.…