Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • A Glimpse Inside My Dreams, of Late

    I was being chased, along with my partner.  We were in an enormous library with dozens of floors, each floor a different layout with hallways, reading rooms, study carrels.  It should have been…

  • Bad Dates

    By the way, if you haven’t checked out Wonder Women this week, do.  Such a hilarious parade of bad date experiences is not something to be missed.

  • A Pat on the Monkeyless Back

    We’re having a bonfire tonight.   In it is going the huge old monkey that’s been on my back since the end of 2004.  2004 was the year that I finished up being…

  • Wednesday Bullet Points

    ·        I really loathe Alicia Keys’s voice.  I know she’s supposed to be one of the good ones.  But I just can’t listen to her.  She wails.  Like a basset hound.  It sets…

  • Getting Out of the House

    I started a blog about the places where it is appropriate to take a child.  I wanted opinions from my MASSES of readers.  Then I realized – I know what I think!  And…