Categorizing Things is Overrated
March Time
Time is messing with me this week. I want it to hurry on, so Patrick will come home, and Jack will remove his bulky squirming mass from my straining abdomen. I want it to…
Virgil's Morning Routine
6:25 am BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BO- Yawn. Lick paws. Streeetch corgi legs. Chin on paws. Wait exactly nine minutes. BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BO- …
Baby Update
My appointment was today. He’s turned. His head is way down where it’s supposed to be, so when he gets the hiccups I’ve been feeling it in my, er, nether parts. It’s very…
Pictures and Things
I’ve posted some pictures, with no captions, so they make take some ‘splaining. The first set are from when Patrick was home this Feb for a week. His dad helped him build our…