Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • Jazz Festing

    We went to jazz fest last Sunday. We brought camp chairs this time and parked at the Fais Do Do stage all day. Jazz Fest is set up at the 145 acre racetrack…

  • What the pandemic hath wrought

    I can remember at some point in maybe 2019 (nope – it was April 2018, I wrote briefly about it!) marveling about how we had landed right where I wanted to be. A…

  • Hi!

    I’m just gonna write something. I have a million drafts, just the usual. Day to day, vacation, trips, nothing special. I miss having the record. It doesn’t need to be perfect, right? It’s…

  • 2022 Goals – Reviewed

    Increase ability to run, quarter by quarter, until i can run 3 miles at a stretch again. So. This was mixed, though mostly a fail due to injury. IT Band injuries, and then…

  • 2022 Recap

    1. What did I do in 2022 that I’ve never done before? Drove the two youngest boys on an epic adventure across the Western states! This is what remote work has brought the…