Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • One Track Mind

    Signs of Early Labor:   Dull lower back pain Pelvic pressure Digestive Issues Increased trapped gas due to baby pressure Menstrual-like cramps Nesting – feeling the urge to clean and organize to a…

  • Miscellany That Proves My Mind is Gone

    Google Searches I Have Performed Today While At Work 38 weeks pregnant Late pregnancy headaches Early labor signs Pirate Treasure Map NC early voting zucchini nut bread recipe yoga relieve headaches safe headache…


    PS Check out Wonder Woman for my post on the perils of Sixth Grade.

  • Mistakes I Made in the Last 24 Hours

    That second cookie at lunch.  Blech. Forgetting my heartburn pill last night.  What’s up, 3 am? Telling an employee that her new coworker was young enough to be her daughter.  D’oh.  (It’s a…

  • Baby Free Bullet Points

    I saw an ad today for an HR software system, and behind the text for the ad was a closeup shot of the pointy sharpened tips of a handful of colored pencils.  They…