Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • One Down, Nine to Go

    In last night’s dream, Patrick and I were in a crowded airport baggage claim.  The "baggage" that all of us were waiting to collect was . . . you guessed it . . .…

  • Happy Birthday, Shakespeare

    I had hoped Jack might share a birthday with old Will Shakespeare, but unless something starts happening soon, well, it’s unlikely.  Labor takes a long time, and there are only 15 more hours…

  • Waaaaah

    I am so uncomfortable today.  The ten pound turkey in my belly is killing me.  I have pains in my ribs, pains in my hips, pains in my stomach – I think these…

  • Weekend Accomplishments

    My husband and puppy are racing one another up the driveway as I type.  The torrential rain of earlier today has slowed to a trickle, and I think they enjoyed their few minutes…

  • 86 Degrees and Feelin' Fine

    It’s a sparkling sunny 86 degrees outside today.  Mmmmm.  I’ve been out in it all of about ten minutes, but still, it’s nice to know that the chill is gone.  For now.  It’s…