Categorizing Things is Overrated
A Wyoming Wedding Day
The Morning The weekend continued to be disgustingly glorious, with brisk and bracing mornings, sun-drenched and comfortable daytimes, and pleasantly chilly evenings. Patrick and I woke on Monday and jumped right in…
Also today . . .
. . . I blogged on Wonder Woman about my It’sNotADietIt’sALifestyleChange meal plan. Check it out, and cheer me on!
Wedding Weekend Activities
I think I’ve had perhaps 8 hours of sleep total over the last three nights. I’m getting desperately tired, everyone. Being tired simplifies my job significantly, though. I’ve gone from the Sweetheart, Will-Do-Anything-For-You…
The Trip West, Part I
Oh, am I tired today. Exhausted with a capital EX. Sleep deprivation, nothing more, but it’s enough. I have dropped approximately 37 items so far this morning (it’s 8:40 am), including all of…