Categorizing Things is Overrated
Mmmmm, Chocolate Chip
I posted this on the Safety Board (I am in charge of its upkeep) in the break room today: Knock Knock WHOS THERE Tired-New-Mom TIRED NEW MOM WHO …
Some Sad People in the World
I never used to check my stats, but now I’ve started to get a kick out of how some people land here. Just today, the following google searchers found me: Legally removing…
LOLcats in the "This is Not a Recession"
LOL CAT: Money woez – I haz dem. UNITED STATES ECONOMY: You no can haz cheep gas! You no can haz cheep food! You no can haz nyce things! You also no…
Hey Boo Boo! I Think I See A Pickunick Basket!
Yesterday at the gym the scale said 155. I was so excited about this, I ran sprints on the treadmill. SPRINTS!! It’s been almost a year since I ran a sprint! And boy could I tell. …
Faithful Old Faithful
I’m looking a mess today, folks. I’ve had a rough time getting up the past couple of days. Jack just looks sooooooo sweet and perfect and, you know, ASLEEP at 6am when my…