
  • Vegas Baby

    I spent the weekend in Vegas.   The first night I spent alone.  The first thing I saw from the plane was the pyramid Luxor, beaming a spotlight straight into the sky.  I got out…

  • My Year in Oz Begins

    By all rights, I should have gone straight to bed.  55 hours of travel with only patchy bits of sleep does not make for a particularly coherent human being.  I just couldn’t, couldn’t…

  • Aaaah, Travel

    Lyric for the day – in honor of The Mummy, and The Mummy Returns, which The Professor and I just watched in succession, because we are suckers for corny films: All the old…

  • The Reluctant Grownup

    I feel I should probably explain the title of my blog before I get too far into this.  See, I have just completed my first full year of working in a job I…