Everyday Adventures

  • Peace

    I have been granted by my generous family a full day in the house child-free, during which time I am attempting to catch up on bar bri.  (Three days behind.  Already.  Cursed move.)…

  • Barbri Begins Amidst Festivities

    I have begun the Barbri bar exam review course.  I am chilling all by my lonesies here at school, listening to the class and taking notes.  And also paging through the pix I…

  • I Am Living Right

    So this is a weird way to put this, but I keep thinking it – if 2012 is my last year to live (and it almost certainly isn’t), I am definitely living it…

  • Since Rio . . .

    The first weekend I was back in town, I left town to go camping.  It was just an hour away, but still a fun first trip for Liam.  (If you recall, Jack’s first…

  • It Still Resonates

    From MLKJ’s last speech in Memphis: “You know, whenever Pharaoh wanted to prolong the period of slavery in Egypt, he had a favorite, favorite formula for doing it. What was that? He kept…