Everyday Adventures
Adobe, as Far as the Eye Can See
The lovely thing about vacationing without the children – who I dearly miss! – is how leisurely the morning coffee hour becomes. Santa Fe’s elevation means that the nights have just a tiny…
From Agony to Ecstacy
Forty eight hours ago, nearly to the minute, I put down my number two pencil and closed my test booklet. From somewhere in the back of the room came a Whoop and a…
Bar? What Bar?
I promise I’m studying for the bar. I’m about to kick it into high gear. I’m solid on the “act like a lawyer” part – where they give you fake law, fake facts,…
Jack and Liam’s Summertime Extravaganza – a Pictorial Representation of Why I Wish I was Four Again
Although much of my summer has a certain Groundhog Day feature to it – bar study remains relentless and mostly boring – my SONS are not suffering for that fact. If you wanted…