Everyday Adventures
Ice Buckets For Josie, Colette, Quinn, Lachlan, Calhoun, and Michael Brown
The Professor and I enjoyed a bottle of really good Malbec last night. This morning I enjoyed the presence of my children by my bedside at 5:45. One of those terms “enjoyed” is…
Friday Rain
Although I remain covered up with work, I was able to jet out a touch early today, arriving home before 5pm. I drove through a wild summer storm, hazard lights blinking click click…
Memory Dump
It has been ages! And I’m too busy to put anything with any kind of structure here – I’ve been using up all of my “creative time” to make the Professor’s annual Father’s…
A Bit Beat
I just dropped a cool wad o’ cash at Old Navy for some duds for my oldest dude. Every spring and fall I do a shop like this – either at Children’s Place…
Jrol Pecrs
I wanted, by the way, to say hi how are ya, thanks for reading. I’ve gotten lots of comments from new folks lately, and it makes me happy. I mean, without you this…