Everyday Adventures

  • Supermom

    Last Monday, I took the Awful Exam.  Tomorrow, I start the Scary New (Temporary) Job.  In the time between, I’ve accomplished a great deal, much of it falling under the category of Making…

  • Easter

    Church this morning was standing room only, rows upon rows of be-hatted women and seersucker suit-ed men fanning themselves with programs.  The fashion was truly stunning, everyone starched and well pressed and pastel…

  • Springtime

    I have a few precious moments with the laptop.  The Professor has been cranking out dissertation pages like mad, and has thus proclaimed the laptop His Own, His Precious for the past few…

  • When It Rains . . .

    Sheesh.  Get a new blog, have a paper due, have tons of reading and three interviews all in the same week.  How’s a girl supposed to find time to tinker with her new…