Everyday Adventures

  • Eh-Wa! Chup-up! Where Are You!

    And with an abrupt and unpleasant Monday, we return to our regularly scheduled programming from a fabulous week at the beach with The Professor’s Parents and The Professor’s Sister and The Niece.  I’ll…

  • Twenty Five

    This is the number of pounds I have to lose to get to my pre-baby weight.  SUCK.  I gained the same amount with each boy, but with Jack I had way less to…

  • Summer

    This morning Liam slept on my chest.  I watched his uneven newborn breathing – now fast, now slow.  Squeak, sigh, groan – flail the arms, relax.  He waved one arm around violently until…

  • The Fourth of July

    Right now, Jack is sleeping soundly in his room.  Liam is hiccuping and flailing in my mother’s arms, as she rocks him in the glider in the corner.  The cat is hovering over…

  • Sunday at the Park

    On Sunday we put Jack into his wagon and dragged him over the bumpy New Orleans roads to a nearby park.  He spent the first half of playtime there being afraid of a motorized…