I Can Haz Recession Angst
I am a peeping Thomasina. I look in people’s windows. Do you do this? I’m not interested in the people – I’d rather they not be there, so I can look more openly. I want to see their house. I want to see the color of their walls, the size of their tv and where they put it.* Curtains, or no? Children’s toys? If so, are they all over the floor or neatly in a box in the corner? How big is the kitchen, how new the appliances, is the ceiling smoothly plastered or naked beams? Do they have – shudder of pleasure – an entire interior wall of brick?…
On Happiness
Lawyerish is writing a lot about happiness these days. After a lovely six month maternity leave of which I am uber jealous, she went back to work (as a lawyer, in case her blog’s title didn’t clue you in), and she seems to still be shaking out how she feels about not spending all day long with her little snowflake. For the most part, she’s coming up happy. Happy enough. I think I’m about to get an offer for a summer job. In LawFirmLand, this means an offer for a full time job after school is over, as long as you perform marginally well over your summer tenure, i.e. don’t…
Jiggity Jog
Home again, after a weekend away to attend weddings which I may or may not have time to recap. The weekend, or the weddings. However, when we arrived, I did NOT have a rejection letter in the mailbox from my basically-last-hope for a summer job. Thank goodness for small favors.
Thank You For Your Application
They rustle at me from the bin in the corner. They whisper You Aren’t Good Enough. This Was A Waste of Time. Your Children Deserve Better. Be Afraid. You Will Never Succeed. Rejection letters – I could, as they say, paper a wall with them. A couple of walls. I have been afraid about getting a job since I quit the one I had, seeing what my husband’s gone through, and my job attempts thus far this year have done nothing to dim my fear. We both gambled that advanced degrees would get us well-paying jobs, but it seems we bet on black and the wheel keeps coming up red,…
It’s a hazy, sunless, windless, sticky hot weekend. We’re listless, drifting around the house. I’m taking pictures of nothing in particular. The Professor isn’t feeling well. I’m thinking of ditching him with a bath and some movies and tea, and taking myself on a hike, or I may lose my mind. My high flying mood of Thursday Eve is gone. Late Friday afternoon I slipped in the boss’s office while the Israeli boss was in the loo, and asked how the raise-for-RG talk went. He wrinkled his nose in a “not good” way, and then Israeli boss reappeared and U.S. boss said “See me about that issue Monday.” Sssssssssssssss. Hear that…