I Can Haz Recession Angst

  • Fishing

    When my father started his naval career, a college graduate in the officer’s program, he made $8,280 per year.  Adjusted for inflation, that amount would equal $32,706 today. First year college graduate naval…

  • Wiggin’

    Just this second, I’m feeling overwhelmed and out of control.  Oddly, it has nothing to do with the job, which continues to click along at a breakneck pace, taking up virtually all of…

  • Trajectory

    Do you ever feel like you’ve been gently, insistently redirected?  Herded.  Shepherded.  There is a distinction, but in either case, direction from an outside source is implicit.  A sheep-i-ness is implied.  I have…

  • Burdens – Part 2 of a 3 Part Series

    Maybe this whole “Series” thing was kind of silly, but I really just wanted to stretch out the telling of today’s announcement.  I wasn’t sure how to do it.  I wanted to do…