Sixteen Tons

  • Last Day of Freedom

    Back to the Rat Race tomorrow.   What do I do with my day?   I am paralyzed in the knowledge that I will be working long weeks starting tomorrow, and no longer be able to accomplish in a remotely thorough way the myriad tasks required of a homeowner/bride to be/cat owner/human being alive in this world.   So I’m doing nothing.   Well, catching up on blogs.  🙂   Here is a short Aussie story, from back when I was a free, traveling bird:   A cabride one late Saturday night after work.  It’s nearly 1 am, and I have missed my last bus, so I hop in a…

  • Hey

    Lyric for today: Workin’ 9 to 5 what a way to make a living And it’s . . .bum de dum . . . la la, It’s all TAKIN and no givin And hoo hum, la tee tum And it’s bound to drive you CRAZY if you let it! Sorry Dolly, that’s the best I could remember this evening . . .  I love tequila . . . Checking in.  Not much to say.  My job is absolutely horrible at the moment, and kind of consuming my life, energy, and dragging my happiness down a deep dark hole, but that’s all I will allow myself to say about it here. …

  • Take Me Out Back

    . . . and shoot me.  Is this week over yet??  In two days I have trained a new employee, handled an employee’s fender bender (in a company car, sooo much paperwork), did all my coworker’s sales orders and mine, helped an employee with her taxes, drove a stranger to the dentist (his car broke down and I saw it), went to the doctor, volunteered at an environmental center, and rehearsed every night so far. Now I gotta change the cat litter and dress my cat scratch wounds (she is a tiny, cute, pooping cactus), change for rehearsal, collect my linen napkins from the various corners of the house where my cat so thoughtfully…