Sixteen Tons

  • Hormonal and Crabby

    So I’m planning our fall family event at work.  It will be a weekend in late October, when the air is crisp but not too cool, when the nights don’t get dark terribly early, but just early enough, when the leaves are turning and the smell of fall is in the air – in short, when it is a fabulous time to be outside enjoying the natural world.   Almost all of our employees have small children, and this fun day is for them.  So I decide to plan a trip to a pumpkin patch, where we’ll have a pig picking, go on a hayride, pick a pumpkin, pet the…

  • Rainy Friday Blues

    No raise now. In December, they’ve promised to “look at” my issues. Let’s look at the other wonderful things that have hit me before 10am on this rainy Friday morning: 1 – Mom called while I was driving to work – she has to have semi-emergency gall bladder surgery this morning. Her condition is not life threatening, but it is painful. Oh, and they’re MOVING HOUSE in like four days. 2 – Baby sister Corrie, who turns 18 today and gets no party or attention because of Mom’s surprise surgery, also needs to be deposited, along with all her teenaged stuff, to her freshman dorm this week. 3 – Given…

  • Boo

    It’s a hazy, sunless, windless, sticky hot weekend.  We’re listless, drifting around the house.  I’m taking pictures of nothing in particular.  The Professor isn’t feeling well.  I’m thinking of ditching him with a bath and some movies and tea, and taking myself on a hike, or I may lose my mind.  My high flying mood of Thursday Eve is gone.  Late Friday afternoon I slipped in the boss’s office while the Israeli boss was in the loo, and asked how the raise-for-RG talk went.  He wrinkled his nose in a “not good” way, and then Israeli boss reappeared and U.S. boss said “See me about that issue Monday.” Sssssssssssssss.  Hear that…