
  • Fishin’, and Other Diversions

    In about a week, I will be an age that rhymes with schmirty schmive.  I am way too old to love my birthday but I still do.  I occasionally feel anxious about mortality,…

  • Tex and His Brothers

    The very silly nickname of Tex has started growing on us.  No matter what this kid’s name ends up being, I have a feeling he’s going to go by “Tex.”  I’m already imagining…

  • Cute Child Things, August 2013

    They had an “around the world” month at daycare, and at the end of the month brought home a “passport” with stamps in it from each country they visited.  Liam, reading off the…

  • Three

    Dearest Liam, darling of mine – Yesterday, you turned three. A couple of days before that, you were angry that we didn’t have any more fruit bars.  And so you snuck into the…

  • Birthday Baseball

    Yesterday was Liam’s third birthday party, at the Mobile Bay Bears game.  I took no photographs of this party, sadly – I was too busy enjoying company and protecting my children’s precious heads…