Sometimes I Get Hepped Up and Think I Know a Thing or Two
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Thank God for *Taste *better late than never
Can I just say THANK YOU, thank you to the people who pulled that OJ book and tv series, "If I Killed Them, Here’s How I Did It," also known by its subtitle, "I Am a Huge Greedy Insensitive Jack**s." It was an example of the worst in television, the most low down dirty disgusting greed for ratings, and the most outrageously insensitive and cruel example of reality tv I have heard of. I am SOOOOO glad somebody pulled that huge mistake. Imagine his kids. Imagine Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman’s parents. Could you have kept yourself from throwing a boot through the screen of your tv, if you were…
Death in the Sudan – My Soapbox
I listen to NPR most days at work. Just now I heard that two men working down in the Sudan were killed. These men were removing mines so that the UN Feed the World Program (or some such name) can safely carry food and medicine to people in need. They were murdered in an ambush by the people they were trying to help. This has me thinking. People die every day. Life isn’t fair. God works in mysterious ways. These cliches are supposed to bring comfort when things happen that we don’t understand. It would be nice if things made sense, and if life was fair, but since it’s not, at least…