Sometimes I Get Hepped Up and Think I Know a Thing or Two

  • Headdesk

    I’m in two seminars this term.  Seminars require 30 page papers instead of exams, and I prefer papers to exams, hence my choice.  In one seminar, our professor required us to have our…

  • Vitriol

    I hope the Arizona shooting provides us with the opportunity to take it all down a notch and begin agreeably disagreeing.  I’m not super hopeful, because it depends partly on a lot of…

  • Wasted Day

    Sitter couldn’t come today, and the Professor is occupied at school from morning til well after dinner.  I have about 35 pages of a paper to write, 35 difficult pages of a difficult…

  • Fini

    A finite number of pictures will be taken of each of my children, this I know.  One day, their lives will end, and there will be no more.  It’s an odd way to…