Sometimes I Get Hepped Up and Think I Know a Thing or Two

  • Parent-Bashing in the Wake of Tragedy

    A letter written after a terrible shooting: Dear people in my facebook feed whose first inclination, after hearing about the Colorado movie theater shooting, was to bash the parents who dared bring their…

  • A Beautiful Paradox

    Fun convo going back and forth among a couple of women I know, and I wanted to join in.  You can read the Atheist here and the Mormon here.  I won’t wax on…

  • Wanted

    It being Friday night, when The Professor disappeared in the back of the house put the littlest one to bed, I decided to load Jack into our stroller and walk him to the…

  • It Still Resonates

    From MLKJ’s last speech in Memphis: “You know, whenever Pharaoh wanted to prolong the period of slavery in Egypt, he had a favorite, favorite formula for doing it. What was that? He kept…

  • Checking in

    I had three exams in a row.  Just finished my third – which I was able to take pass/fail, since you get to select one class in law school to take pass/fail, and…