Sometimes I Get Hepped Up and Think I Know a Thing or Two
Another Open Letter Post
So I’m sure you’ve all read that open letter that has almost certainly by this point mortified the teenaged sons of the mother who wrote it (side note – as the kids get…
Woman of God Sees Child of God in Unlikely Place
I saw the school shooting footage yesterday on Fox news, a station that plays at all times in my workplace break room. Fox news reported that the school shooting was averted by an armed officer. It appears…
Running Toward
Virginia Tech terrified me. Aurora angered me. But after Newtown broke my spirit, I decided that in order to survive in this uncertain world, and to continue to go to movies, work, school,…
Hearts and Prayers
Ya’ll, I have done not a lick of work today – besides preparing a filing that must go out, which is the only reason I’m still here and not swooping in to pick…
my bleeding liberal heart
I have my stories that I tell, about memories of lives I have lived in old places. I’m not old, but I’ve been an adult for long enough now that memories of my…