Pregnancy Sucks, Dude
Newsletter – 14 weeks – beginning of the second trimester
Dear Kathleen – I’ve seen many mothers do this on blogs, although usually they begin once the child is born. I try not the think about the possibility that you may not…
Subway Sandwiches and other Mundane Things
Another craving – Subway sandwiches. Oh. Man. Don’t tell my husband this (Professor, stop reading now), but I’ve probably bought 2 Subway sandwiches a week for lunch in the past month. Before being…
Anniversary Adventures
Pizza and chips. That’s all I want. Morning noon and night. I’m shoving down fruit, choking down peas and broccoli, pinching my nose and swallowing tuna and other fish, but all I want…
Hack hack coff coff snort
Has anyone heard of a neti pot? I purchased this one today online, because I couldn’t find them in the drugstores here in SmallTownUSA. 7-10 business days from now, if I’m still hack…