Pregnancy Sucks, Dude

  • Babies Babies Babies

    I’m surrounded by preggos.  One friend at work just had a baby girl and three others are pregnant with boys (due in December, January, and March).  My sister is also due to have…

  • False Labor and Hospital Woes

    After the infernal never ending contractions went to 5 minutes apart, 70 seconds long, and stayed that way for approximately five hours, I called it and went to L&D.  They weren’t getting any…


    Contractions.  Contractions for days.  Most constitute a mild cramp – just painful enough to be irritating and keep me from sleeping well (e.g. it is 4am right now) – but some are catch-your-breath…

  • Bound

    CM recently wrote a post that resonated with me (and a lot of other people, judging by the comments).   Our “funk cycles” are in sync – I, too, am feeling somewhat trapped…