Parents and Siblings and Cousins, Oh My!

  • Birthday Parties – 2 of 2

    When Jack turned three, all friends and family independently bought him Play Doh.  Three appears to the be Year of Play Doh.  (Four, by the way, is the Year of Hot Wheels and…

  • Peace

    I have been granted by my generous family a full day in the house child-free, during which time I am attempting to catch up on bar bri.  (Three days behind.  Already.  Cursed move.)…

  • Happenings

    So, this happened. But first, some family showed up in town to celebrate the two of us.  (Although this was my graduation, The Professor didn’t walk in his August graduation, so we treated…

  • Christmas

    We’re rewinding a bit to mid-December, when Jack and I made Christmas cookies.  I’d like it recorded here, so I can get my Awesome Holiday Mom points.  See, we have that book “The…

  • Thanksgiving Trip

    I am in the middle of exams, I have a wedding to update (I’ve written snippets here and there, but I need to link them all together into something coherent), I have various…