Parents and Siblings and Cousins, Oh My!
My third niece was recently born to my sister – her first child, my first blood-related niece (the others, precious to me, are my husband’s sister’s children). I am spoiled for sons, spoiled for nieces – nary a daughter nor nephew in sight! We are far flung, my nuclear family of 7, and so we followed her progress via texts. First, there were the check-in texts on the many, many long days after her due date sailed by with no labor. Then, when she was nearly two weeks over and beginning to suffer a few complications, there were the cheering texts when the midwives decided it was time to induce.…
Snippets of Summer Part Two
We did some other fun things in Nasvhille, as well, including going to the drive in to see Inside Out. We went to a huge park and splash park Once the splash park eventually opened, we had a sort of great time. However, this splash park allows no running, horseplay, climbing, toys, buckets, or other objects. It is gated and locked and two lifeguards are stationed at all times. I mean, like, what?? I got over my annoyance and helped the lifeguards police the 5 year olds from running and horseplay, all the while muttering my disgust. We went to the zoo. And I’ll throw in a few more…
I have my feet up, after making a turkey sausage/green pepper/onion lasagna plus a batch of cauliflower chowder. Both are chilling in the fridge, ready to be re-heated for the week’s dinners. All of the boys have had lunch, and the big boys are watching tv in the other room. The baby is upstairs in his crib. The Professor is sleeping on the couch, resting from his very early flight home. He has been in a lovely little northeast city these past few days, laying his grandfather to rest in the cemetery of a little stone church in Pennsylvania. Two days after Lachlan’s passing, we received the news that the…
The Freezing North
We spent a week at my parents’ place. I worked two of the days – my firm has an office there, which allows me to extend our visits. The two days I worked were long and harried, but the rest of the time was not so bad. I worked a third day by billing the entire New Years’ Eve drive up from my parents’ place to our stop in northern Indiana- working on a detailed case assessment for one of my matters, the perfect project for a long boring car ride. We paused for less than an hour during our drive, to visit the Professor’s cousin and her little guy (around…
Memory Dump
It has been ages! And I’m too busy to put anything with any kind of structure here – I’ve been using up all of my “creative time” to make the Professor’s annual Father’s Day Shutterfly Book. It’s almost done, so I *might* just have time to get it printed and delivered in time for the big day. Meanwhile, some memories I don’t want to lose: Sister Visit My sister came to visit, and lo, it was a glorious thing. She arrived on Thursday a week ago. I picked her up and we had pizza at a café in my building, then the Professor came and fetched her home while I finished…