Parents and Siblings and Cousins, Oh My!
Reaching for the Christmas Spirit
My mood these days remains uneven, as I deal with the anxiety brought on by the election. So many people at risk now, both from foreign and domestic policy. I feel like the…
Halloween 2016
We had a really fun Halloween. As promised, my parents came to stay with us the day before. All Saints Day is traditionally a huge holiday here, meaning lots of people go to church…
Busy bullet points
Shortly after my last post, I billed almost 50 hours in 3.5 days and then flew to North Carolina for a quick trip to see the sis, see the niece, and play a…
Beach 2016
All three boys are napping – the big boys just requested a nap, and we put them in our bed. It’s kind of amazing. We had a long morning swimming and the sun…