Parents and Siblings and Cousins, Oh My!
Listen to this . . .
. . . so my manly musclebound man manhandled the massive new all-in-one washer dryer into the house, without a handtruck, singlehandedly. I was there, wearing gloves, close toed shoes and a sports…
Christmas with the Wisconsin Fam
A snapshot – My brother just finished pounding out made up songs on our piano (he is a gifted pianist, with the somewhat tiresome caveat that every piece must be fast and…
Counting my Blessings
When my bankroll is gettin’ small I think of when I had none at all And I fall asleep counting my blessings . . . #1 – My mother – We may never…
To The People/Cats in My Life
To my boyfriend: I haven’t seen you awake in over a week. We’ve talked on the phone a few times a day – which reminds me of the beginning of our courtship…