Like a Horse and Carriage
Hack hack coff coff snort
Has anyone heard of a neti pot? I purchased this one today online, because I couldn’t find them in the drugstores here in SmallTownUSA. 7-10 business days from now, if I’m still hack…
Puppies, Relay, and other Updates
Thought I’d give you a quick update on a couple of the update-able items in my life. #1 – The Puppy After I called Animal Welfare, the puppy stopped living in the shed…
The New Mother
I lose a lot of hair from day to day. It ends up on my clothes, in the shower, in drifts on the bathroom floor. It’s a constant blanketing of long brown hairs that…
The Professor’s fantastic night
My husband would like to tell you all that I finished Harry Potter VII last night. At 1:00 am. He was very pleased about the bedside lamp being on all that time. …
The Puppy Place
The puppy place was at the end of a long gravel drive in the middle of North Carolina farm country. The roads were unmarked, so we ended up at the wrong house. The…