Like a Horse and Carriage
Go to Aitch Eee Double Hockeysticks, DST
I’m not sure how they can sense that the time is different, but the children are all aflutter today. Jack refused to stay in bed for his nap, getting up and coming out…
Santa Presents Coda – Subtitled, What a Non-Issue!
OK, so the Santa presents things was, and will likely remain, a total non-issue. In practice, it was such a minor difference, that my husband’s and my argument seems nonsensical. At the heart…
Digging in my Heels
The Professor and I are largely laid back people, and we rarely fight. But today, we’re fighting (in a still largely friendly but-the-undertone-is-mothertrucking-serious kind of way). Over THE MOST ridiculous thing. So I…
Anniversary Adventures
Pizza and chips. That’s all I want. Morning noon and night. I’m shoving down fruit, choking down peas and broccoli, pinching my nose and swallowing tuna and other fish, but all I want…