Memory Dump
It has been ages! And I’m too busy to put anything with any kind of structure here – I’ve been using up all of my “creative time” to make the Professor’s annual Father’s…
Blisteringly Swift Update
Well. Things have gone from a relatively slow, plodding (and somewhat boring) relaxation period to crazed high speed chasing down the day. I was correct to be nervous about diving back in – it’s been…
2014: The Great Look Forward
I won’t be making any resolutions just now. I can see myself making some exercise goals at some point in the spring, once I have recovered from the birth. But resolutions are a…
Who Turned Up the Heat?
I don’t know who cranked up December, but holy hell, ya’ll. I’m probably going to bill my first 200 hour month – in DECEMBER, with, like, CHRISTMAS and holidays and stuff in there. …