
  • Nevertheless, She Persisted

    Years ago, I actually tried to have a meeting with the male partnership of my firm, regarding the various versions of the “Billy Graham Rule” that many of them seemed to follow, whether…

  • Invaded

    Internet, I caught it.  I don’t understand it.  I am so amazing with Lysol.  I am the Queen of Containment.  I remember years ago when Liam caught a bug when I was 20…

  • I Don’t Know How You Do It

    People say this to me a lot, as a working mom of three little sons.  It’s just kind of a thing you say, so this isn’t directed at anyone in particular.  In fact,…

  • Lawyerin’

    I promised a bit more on being a lawyer, and folks, I’m here to please. I am purposefully cagey about my job for all the reasons you can think of and more, but…

  • One Sentence Story – A Case of the Mondays

    Exacerbating the usual Monday stress is the repetitive (but not rhythmic) loud thunking noise of the power-washer’s scaffold outside my skyscraper window – left to hang over the weekend’s gales, and doing its best…