Guitar Fixed! And Other News
I’m not sure if I shared here, but somehow the neck of my guitar was broken . . . by children, no doubt. It’s a cheap guitar and I don’t play anywhere but…
Tuesday Evening Retroactive Meal Planning
It is a Tuesday evening. Every work-night last week – including Friday – I worked until midnight-ish, after giving the children my dinner hour. It’s been a lot of nights on the couch,…
Gratitude & Anxiety, in Equal Measure
My week+2 days off is drawing to a close, and I feel (as my title would suggest) both anxiety and gratitude. Sometimes it can be hard to relax, even with a week off, since…
Summer 2017
The boys just had their last day of school. They had a little graduation that neither of us went to, and Jack was pretty peeved about that, but too bad. I’ll go when…