Counting Down the Days
I’ve been away from the boys for seven weeks, excluding a couple of weekend visits. One week remains of my summer job here in Mo-town, and then we’ll be reunited. At which point, my husband will be leaving for the bulk of July, off to defend his dissertation. It’s only fair that he get his bachelor time, after I’ve had mine. I know he’ll enjoy it – it’s good to have a minute or two to yourself . . . to go to sleep at night knowing you won’t be awake until THE NEXT MORNING, oh glorious day! . . . to only have to worry about feeding your own…
Summer Associate Fashion
I am now a veteran of seven long weeks of being a summer associate. I feel that Corporette was absolutely no effing help in my quest for appropriate wear for my summer job at a regional firm in the southeast, and in fact merely undermined my confidence at a time when confidence most needed to be . . . the opposite of undermined. Overmined, I suppose. So instead of that advice (which is probably more applicable at the bigger NY firms), all future summer associates’ google searches shall land them here! And here’s what I have to say on the matter:* Firstly, it’s not a huge deal. Work hard and…
Had two beers and two cupcakes for dinner. I am so bachin’ it. ************************************ In other, related news, I am once again putting together a New Life Plan that involves being thinner and more energetic, eating better and exercising more. This is my pattern, the ups and the downs in weight, the commitment to diet that waxes and wanes, and it’s fine. It’s how I roll. Life gets busy, RG gets fat. Life gets more in control, RG looks more slender. At the moment I am “rolling” around fatter than I’ve ever been excluding pregnancies, so this New Life Plan must be pretty darn drastic in order that I not…
An Echo of Boy
There is a half empty juice box in my hotel room fridge. As I pour a glass of wine for myself in a plastic tumbler, I’m standing eye to “eye” with a Tupperware container full of old, soggy peanut butter crackers. Two little baby washcloths are hung to dry over my shower curtain rod. Earlier in the evening I opened my bottom dresser drawer and found one child’s size 6 flip flop. (After having him walk into one too many rest area bathrooms with only one shoe, we finally gave up our magical thinking that perhaps the missing shoe would just conveniently appear on the car floor by his feet,…
This Post is Three Days Late
He turned one. It was terribly sad. Until it wasn’t. We had a few gifts, a few party hats, a few cupcakes. I had bought Liam three small gifts from a trip to the Aquarium earlier in the summer – no big deal, bought as afterthoughts, but as it turned out the only stuff I managed to purchase and wrap before his big day. (Luckily, his Aunt had sent along a whole box of wrapped gifts, so we had a few more things to open than just a tacky Aquarium t-shirt and a couple of board books about penguins.)* In an attempt to atone for this horrific, non-consumer mothering, I purchased…