Law School

  • Checking in

    I had three exams in a row.  Just finished my third – which I was able to take pass/fail, since you get to select one class in law school to take pass/fail, and…

  • The Debt Ceiling

    . . . is not going to be the topic of this blog post!  Wa-hey!  Did I trick you? Many of the updates in blogs, facebook, email, legal tabloids, and what-have-you are regarding…

  • Counting Down the Days

    I’ve been away from the boys for seven weeks, excluding a couple of weekend visits.  One week remains of my summer job here in Mo-town, and then we’ll be reunited. At which point,…

  • Summer Associate Fashion

    I am now a veteran of seven long weeks of being a summer associate.  I feel that Corporette was absolutely no effing help in my quest for appropriate wear for my summer job…

  • Two

    Had two beers and two cupcakes for dinner. I am so bachin’ it. ************************************ In other, related news, I am once again putting together a New Life Plan that involves being thinner and…