Law School
So, this happened. But first, some family showed up in town to celebrate the two of us. (Although this was my graduation, The Professor didn’t walk in his August graduation, so we treated…
Barbri Begins Amidst Festivities
I have begun the Barbri bar exam review course. I am chilling all by my lonesies here at school, listening to the class and taking notes. And also paging through the pix I…
Crazy Fun Times
Gender Law exam tomorrow. Love that class, but it has me perpetually steaming. Angry at the world. Grrr, argh. After that, I’ll have a smidge of a breather before my paper is due…
I Won a Major Award!
I recently won a major award. Oh wait, not that. This: The above is an award currently circulating among bloggers, and Magic Cookie decided I was an interesting enough person that she would…
MILP Roundup!
The Mothers in the Legal Profession blogroll – a list of awesome women, many (all?) of whom went to law school with children (or had one while in law school) – does a…