I Drink Your Milkshake
Drinking a Milkshake in San Antonio, Texas
Ignore the pile of laundry behind him. Let’s have a milkshake in San Antonio! This is a small religious-affiliated university that we both like the look of. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS …
Merced, California
So, here is how these are going to go. I’ll list the town and state, but not the name of the school Patrick is looking at (just to protect from possible online…
I Drink Your Milkshake
Because it’s Friday and my brain-juice is on E . . . And because it is a phrase that makes my husband laugh . . . I’ve decided that all of…
Upcoming Project for Your Reading Pleasure and My Own Sanity
For your reading pleasure, you will soon be finding out AAAAALL about the plenty-thousand locales that Patrick and I are looking at for next year’s move. In brief: The husband has been…