HR Managin'
A Brief Interlude
A short break from recounting the honeymoon in exhaustive detail – I’ve been on fire at work this week, getting a ton done. I think it’s the lovely weather outside. Even though…
Miss Unpopularity
Over the years, bosses have asked me to do many things. I’ve fired or laid off at least 200 people. I’ve disciplined probably half that many. I’ve had to tell people that they…
Good News!
The boss’s wife got some relatively good news with her cancer. Looks like she’s going to be ok, after surgery – they caught it very early. She will have some emotional issues to…
Hope revisited
It’s snowing outside. My coworker’s wife went to her home in Israel to visit family and have a routine checkup. They found a lump. Today they found out it’s cancerous. Tomorrow she learns…