HR Managin'

  • Better

    I deleted yesterday’s grumpy entry.  Yesterday’s issue is an ongoing problem, though.  People are still mad, and will make a point of not enjoying the fun day I’ve arranged.  It’s illegal to make every person salaried, so sometimes I wish we could make every person hourly so there wouldn’t be this divide.  Human beings love to divide and exclude, to measure and compare, so simple on-paper business decisions become wretched complicated minefields in the psychology of the workplace.  A psychologist, I am not.  I’ll just try to be nice, and have a meeting with the hourly folks, and explain that the day is not an expression of appreciation for salaried people’s…

  • The Resume Bee

    A blogging friend, Ms. Muensterbee in my blogroll, has started a new resume polishing bizz on the side – check her out.  Meanwhile, she inspired me to write about a few of the gems that have made their way across my desk in my going-on-three years as an HR Manager. Marcie – I’m going to start giving some of these people your number.  **Yes, I’m making fun of mostly poor and uneducated people.  It’s a little snarky.  But I have to laugh sometimes, or I’d cry all day.   Other Information/Objective: ·        I want a job.   What a surprise. ·        I want to learn everything I can in America so…

  • Tax Fun

    Sorry to post two of these in a day.  But during the encounter described below, in abbreviated but word-for-word detail (except for the names),  the only thing that kept me from losing my mind and/or throwing my chair through my un-open-able window was thinking about the wonderful comic blogging opportunities that the experience allowed.  It’s a long read.  Imagine how long it was to live it. 11:15 am Brrrrring  brrrrring.  Brrrrring brrrrring. #1 – “Hello this is Charlie Sneed number oh one seven six five seven oh how can I help you today”  <Like many government workers, he speaks without punctuation> “Hello.  I’m an HR Manager and I have a foreign citizen…

  • Horses, Hangovers, and a Sobering Morning

    It’s been a busy week.  Lots of OT at work, lots of OT with my tutoring, so not much time for other things.  I have my notes from the honeymoon at home, which I am eager to wrap up.  But I am not at home right now, so it will have to wait. Meanwhile – update – breaking news – we LOST it big at the horse race.  Five whole dollars in the pot for the Carolina Cup, per PERSON.  Augughg, there goes Christmas.  We did win one of the lesser races, though – I think 7 bucks all told – so our losses were mitigated somewhat.  It was great fun –…