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Category: HR Managin’
I deleted yesterday’s grumpy entry. Yesterday’s issue is an ongoing problem, though. People are still mad, and will make a point of not enjoying the fun day I’ve arranged. It’s illegal to make every person salaried, so sometimes I wish we could make every person hourly so there wouldn’t be this divide. Human beings love to…
The Resume Bee
A blogging friend, Ms. Muensterbee in my blogroll, has started a new resume polishing bizz on the side – check her out. Meanwhile, she inspired me to write about a few of the gems that have made their way across my desk in my going-on-three years as an HR Manager. Marcie – I’m going to…
Tax Fun
Sorry to post two of these in a day. But during the encounter described below, in abbreviated but word-for-word detail (except for the names), the only thing that kept me from losing my mind and/or throwing my chair through my un-open-able window was thinking about the wonderful comic blogging opportunities that the experience allowed. It’s a long…
Horses, Hangovers, and a Sobering Morning
It’s been a busy week. Lots of OT at work, lots of OT with my tutoring, so not much time for other things. I have my notes from the honeymoon at home, which I am eager to wrap up. But I am not at home right now, so it will have to wait. Meanwhile – update…